Every so often, maybe once a year, maybe once every year and a half, I check the brakes on my drinking. Usually this happens after a period of increased drinking on my part. Sometimes the beer doesn’t taste so good anymore, sometimes I get a funny feeling, it’s usually tied to how I feel physically or to an external event which makes me reconsider drinking for a little while.
The first time this happened was a combo event of the beer not tasting good and me having to worry about being left at an event far enough from home for it to be a very long walk. Overall, what I have found is when I do check the brakes the first couple of days kind of suck, then it eventually turns into solid nights of sleep and a rebalancing/reframing of the world around me. It’s always a good move in the end and the suck doesn’t seem too bad in hindsight.
This time for me it’s more about how I’m feeling. I’ve been off, or out of balance for about 6-8 weeks and I’m not sure why. Even though I’m walking between 50 and 85 miles a week now (thanks walking desk and warm spring weather!) I can’t seem to manage my anxiety to the extent that I wish I could. Obviously, there’s the option of meds to control this. It’s an option and not one I would like to try right now. Alcohol has some very specific influences on anxiety, lack of sleep or poor sleep over time because of alcohol is a very well documented side effect. When I don’t sleep well over extended periods of time I tend to circle the drain. When that starts, my anxiety goes up and I tend to begin focusing on things that aren’t beneficial to focus on. They end up being stories in my own head rather than being based in fact. Many times these thoughts have had a negative effect on my relationships and this time I have enough sense to take action before things start to unravel. This is as much for me as anyone else.
A couple of weeks back, in a tender moment, Maya commented about my eyes, how they are either very light or can be very dark. I think what she meant was they tell her what’s up with me at any given moment. It was not her intention to elicit the reaction that came, but I got a little upset. I don’t like when someone can see the darkness, that’s mine to share or not. The other day I was sharing my intention to take a brake check session with Sonny T. I told him about the light and dark comment and how that upset me. He asked if I didn’t want to be vulnerable to Maya, in fact I was sharing this all with Maya as well and since then I’ve spent some time thinking about this. I have zero problem being vulnerable with most anyone. Especially the person/people I trust the most, the person I will not and cannot lie to. What I don’t like is being in a position of having someone be able to look at me, specifically into my eyes and know something is up with me and wonder what that is. I am afraid if there’s too much dark too often it’ll get old.
It’s not the intimacy of knowing me that I take issue with. This is a level of intimacy I have wanted for a very long time. This is level of trust and acceptance between two people I have never experienced. The issue isn’t with vulnerability, it’s that I am tired of this vacillation between light and dark. This is more about me not liking me at times and not wanting to subject the people I love to yet another moody Peter. In this case, I imagine be it my therapist or my love, both would ask me what’s wrong with being moody. My response to that hypothetical question is nothing – except my moods, my reactions, my emotions are mine and when they bubble over into someone else’s pot, it’s not fair for them to have to deal with my shit too. Even if they don’t mind, I do. I don’t need to be perfect, just less me at times. We all have things to deal with and carry, carrying my load doesn’t do anyone any good. Being honest (and vulnerable) I am afraid if someone gets to know the person I see, the person inside of me, they’re gonna run. Everyone has their limit. I’m tired of pushing people away before they get to this point. I need to figure this one out.
I’m going to be checking the brakes because I need to get a level of control back and see if no alcohol plus exercise resets my balance. Once that balance is restored, I’m hoping I can gain some perspective on the one thing that continues to bubble up. I keep wrestling with fear, I’m starting to lose my ability to maintain my coping mechanisms. It’s getting hard to always see the sunny side of the street and I’m getting tired of feeling like I need to polish the turds all the time. I know without a doubt there are people in my life who love me unconditionally. I am thankful for them, maybe thankful isn’t the right word, I’m grateful and feel lucky to have these people in my life. What I wish I could figure out is how to show up better for them. I can’t do that until I can figure out how to show up better for myself.
This dance with fear for me is a bit of a cage match. I want to lock it in a room and go toe to toe with it and literally beat it the fuck out of my life. I want to be able to walk into any situation without scanning the room for danger and feeling like I need to disarm the scariest person. This method of survival after 50 years of it is getting old. I know it’s possible, I have a scar on my face that helped me accept the man in the mirror (to an extent) and as I laid in bed this morning, I decided that I can beat this one, fear, too.
I wish I had something positive to add after all this rambling – I’m trying to be kind to myself and give myself the room to explore and resolve, so maybe that’s the positive message at the end of a post – be kind to yourself and give yourself room to breathe and ponder the options of accepting who you are. Be the change as they say. (Even though I never know who ‘they’ are!) Let’s hope this journey is more restorative than destructive.
After I finished this I keep coming back to this clip from one of my favorite silly movies because it always occurs to me that I should think less……https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzkrKfk4kYE
Be kind to yourself and others!