I’ve been on a wicked song circle lately, Van Halen, The Police, David Bowie, weird 80’s stuff from Simply Red, Thin Lizzy, etc… The songs I pick out to listen to have meaning in one context or another and often time bring back happy thoughts, feelings and memories from times between the 80’s and today. For that matter, you could throw on the soundtrack from Grease or The Jazz Singer and I might be teleported back to elementary school and riding shotgun, sans seat belt with one of my siblings in their cars at about 7, 8 or 9.
Syncronicity though, has been running through my brain lately. Events, happenings, seeing old friends, getting phone calls and texts out of the blue when I normally don’t have these messages on any one single day brings me to wonder what the universe is trying to tell me? If I dig into the interwebs and lookup ‘song meanings’ for this song I get these quotes:
Plainly put, [synchronicity] is the experience of having two (or more) things happen coincidentally in a manner that is meaningful to the person or persons experiencing them, where that meaning suggests an underlying pattern. It differs from coincidence in that synchronicity implies not just a happenstance, but an underlying pattern or dynamic that is being expressed through meaningful relationships or events.
And this one:
The title song of the Police’s final studio album, Synchronicity, from 1983, was inspired by the writings of C. G. Jung. The Swiss psychiatrist postulated an “acausal connecting principle,” whereby seemingly coincidental events were held to have an underlying relation. That, he believed, offered an explanation for ostensibly paranormal occurrences such as phone calls arriving from people just as we have been thinking about them.
If you would have asked me when I was in middle school jamming out to these tunes if they would ever hold deeper meaning for me when I was middle aged, I would have looked at you like you had two heads with 3 eyes each! And yet – here I am – this song rolling through my brain and then connecting dots. One other explanation is that I am finally in a frame of mind to explore the larger un-paved path that lays before me. I am open to receive what I haven’t been able to conceive of in the past. Heck, maybe the knock on the head I got with my motorcycle accident and the following surgery uncorked some blockage. It’s hard to say really. Maybe the combination of dropping this heavy load I’ve been carrying in terms of guilt and sadness combined with the whack to the head changed things – in the end I don’t think it matters – it just feels completely different and better. Being clear-eyed and minded is a fantastic change.
With that I’ll leave you with this:
and this one too because I love it so much!
Stay Salty my friends, love deeply, forgive quickly, spread kindness to yourself and others, grow yourself as a crystal grows, evolve, be the rock in someone’s life when they need support or a place to rest. Be Well and be kind to yourself.