Calamity Calamitous or Fortuity Fortuitous?

Thanks Ai for hitting the image on the nose 😉

I got bad news yesterday, something I had hoped would go one way went another. This seems to be happening a fair amount this year, ups and downs, BIG ups and BIG downs. I became redundant again in late May, which caused a decline in my overall mental health. That along with a hot mess of a summer led into a depression which in turn had me increase my medication. The events that seemed so bad have really made a difference for me in so many positive ways. More lessons, more goodness. The clouds however present they are, seem to clear again.

Since my divorce I have had a great number of ‘knock you down’ incidents, most of them I have weathered alone and on my own. Some of them were because of my poor choices and many of them just happened along the way. As it turns out, Apparently, I’m a pretty strong motherfucker. I say apparently because it is apparent I am able to move through these very tough times on my own. There are no hugs, no I’m sorry’s, no one is sitting with me in my sadness, or holding my hand, just me (and Rufas the wonder dog). Of course, sitting in your sadness isn’t a bad thing, it moves in and moves out with time and patience.  As my past-potential-pseudo mother-in-law was known to say, no feeling lasts forever. The sun is always shining behind the clouds. I will translate this into be a Weeble-wobble. You can Weeble, you can wobble, but don’t fall down. For me, I keep getting up again. That alone feels empowering.

I’m moved to write after the revelation regarding my own strength. I’ve been castigated in the past over my ‘need to have company’ or my seeming ‘issue of being alone.’ And the truth of the matter is, these are the same people who NEVER have time alone except when their kid(s) are off with their other parent or out doing something with their friends. They have little windows of time alone which they cherish. I understand that aspect of being. Heck, my ex-wife was waving that flag so much for so long it was ingrained into my psyche that I felt maybe there was something wrong with me for enjoying other people’s company and my dislike of being alone. Since then, I have come to look forward to my own alone time to do the things I like to do. It’s not as if I don’t understand it or need it myself.

The difference is extended time alone. Where you have entire blocks of time, hours, days, weeks where you don’t have any physical contact with anyone. Phone calls, yes, emails, of course, polite conversation in restaurants but not intimacy. No deep conversations with someone you respect on the couch. It can be a lot at times and monotonous. I am finding while I am fine on my own and don’t feel a need to have ‘a partner’ a ‘girl-friend’ or ‘friend-with-benefits’, I do miss a connection. I miss the smell of a woman and enjoying spending time with them. I miss having someone to cook for and touch (APPROPRIATELY!) It’s more a point of having someone to share things with in real time.

That all said, I am blessed to have a very close-knit group of men who have seemingly come out of the woodwork over the course of the last year or more. We have revived our old connections and deepened them. It’s amazing to have this community of men. We very much care and feed each other, we know what’s going on and can hear the inflection in a voice that says, I’m not ok even when the voice is saying the opposite. These things are an absolute joy and treasure. In that respect, I am not *ALONE* and still, it’s not the same as having your person. I like to say the men in my circle give good hugs, but their beards are scratchy and, they don’t smell all that great.

Where should I go from here? I’m alone with no one to give me a hard time about neurotically preparing a pint of Ben and Jerry’s for the next go round. No one to smack my ‘meaty ass.’ Just me and my fella out here in our world doing our thing. While the majority of this regards being ‘alone’ it doesn’t mean that I am miserable this way. I am coming to enjoy it. I have found a peace that’s been elusive for so long. I’m determined to keep that peace and moving forward will only not be alone until I can find someone who adds to and expands my peace.

Until then, it’ll be just me and my fella, doing what we do.

With quiet strength and resolve in mind, be kind to yourself, be kind to others. Be someone’s port in the storm and/or rock to cling to. Stay salty!

Ambien w/Whiskey or Lead….???


I’ve found myself suffering as of late, while this isn’t any new news, it is different in how it’s manifested itself. When I started writing here, it was an exercise to get my feelings out in a manner whereby I felt a little better after writing along with the hopes that my insights might help someone else along the way, just enough to know they weren’t alone. In this case, I have never felt more alone while not being alone. Writing serves as an outlet but not the relief it has been in the past. It is a head scratcher.

The suffering in this case feels like being suspended in water, somewhat able to breath, somewhat able to hear. My vision for some reason seems to be impaired. Naps and deep breathing help somewhat, but I’m unsettled. In my chatting with my therapist, he just says, “Peter, you are depressed.” I keep pushing back on him in terms of trying medication again, not because I’m anti-medication, but because while I can’t quite feel as well as I wish and know I can, I know the medication will give me a temporary reprieve and then dull things again. Emotions are good – I don’t mind having them. For the first time in a long while I seem disconnected from them. As I have indicated here depressed is as Jim Carry says, is your body’s need for ‘deep rest.’ I find a bit of solace in knowing that my frequent naps and need for extra sleep are just my body’s way to find the deep rest it needs. I’m hoping the cooler weather as we roll into the fall will help me to get moving – as they say – 30 minutes of vigorous exercise is worth so and so many milligrams of anti-depressant. I’m not trying to be stubborn in this respect, but rather, find a more natural means of dealing with it.

So why Ambien or Lead? A month ago, around the time of my last post, I was contemplating joining Tony and my dad, I was beyond upset, I was staring down into the abyss and trying to find a way to make the pain go away.  My choices – an ounce and a quarter of #6 Federal Birdshot or 10 Ambien washed down with a nice, very rare, hard to get whiskey.  The issue is my shotgun has a 28″ Barrel – it’s a reach… guess that’s a good thing – I knew what I was doing when I bought it! Obviously, this post is written in the middle of August, so I am still here and very much of this world. Although, I’ll confess here, it is a weekly if not a daily struggle for me.

It occurs to me – you may, if you’re this far, asked yourself – Tony? Who’s Tony? Mr. Bourdain who is unfortunately not with us any longer. A person I admired, a ‘famous person’ I would have been very unlikely to meet if he had endured on this earth. If you ever watched his show, and you too are like me, depressed, you start to recognize where he was in a very quiet, self effacing way, showing us his depression. When his death was made public, I wasn’t surprised, as it had been right there all the time. I feel in some ways, similar to him in that the worthlessness I feel is driven down. After a lifetime of doing this, it becomes very second nature. Unless you know what to look for, you’d never know. In my idea of heaven – if I get there, I can finally catch up with Tony and have a beer and just exchange ideas. I’m honestly not in any hurry to get there – I just want the pain to go away. The suffering and the weight are starting to wear on what’s left of my sanity.

What so far has kept me on this side of the world, is somewhat twofold – my ex – will receive a windfall should my demise come before our agreement comes to pass – I refuse to line her pocket more than I already am. The other one is my children – I worry they might not understand how I could leave them – although the big one is off to college and doesn’t seem inclined to include me in her life, the little one might not show the level of interest, but her kindness might suffer and while I sit here in a great deal of pain, I refuse to hurt either of them more than I have.

In reviewing this post – it doesn’t seem very salty – it seems bitter and reflective of my general mood.


Puzzles and pieces and belonging

Recently – very recently, I had the opportunity to see inside a vacation of a tight knit, lovely and loving family. I very much felt like an outsider looking in. It was eye opening to say the very least as my own family, that is, my siblings and I are deeply fractured, so this experience was wonderful and illuminating as ever. I left wondering if I ever will fit in a family again. If my own kiddos will extend an invitation to me about the lives they lead. If I will ever ‘fit’ in a family unit again. If I will ever allow myself to be worthy of love and able to receive the comfort and support of a ‘family.’

In about 2 weeks, I’ll hit the milestone of 6 years after the loss of my father. That loss caused a shift in the lives of so many people, mostly mine, but also my kids and my now ex-wife (actually – she’s been my ex for 3 years!) as well as friends and family members. Being the first person in my family (aside from my uncle) to divorce has been an interesting evolution. Navigating birthdays and my ex is always a difficult situation although the upside is it’s getting easier. What is always surprising is the overwhelming feeling of failure when you go back and see old memories in photos of your once ‘happy’ family. I struggle with this old vs new reality. While I can’t take full responsibility for the entirety of this new normal, it still hurts knowing you caused the whole thing in the first place.

What has been a recurring theme for me is being alone. Alone in my own head with my thoughts is a dangerous place. In the absence of alternate information, I have a tendency to create a storyline in my head – I’m not worthy of love, I am a screwup, I am just lucky to be here plodding along with my whatever it has become life. While these are recurring thoughts I am good at pushing them away with copious amounts of beer and/or bourbon, it’s the quiet times when this becomes almost unbearable. My therapist, let’s call him Willie Weeks, and I keep going around and around on these topics. Every now and again I get closer to an answer and then I stop and deflect. It is to me akin to putting a red hot poker to your temple, if I stop and think on this topic – a red hot poker to the temple seems less painful than dealing with this emptiness.

I titled this one Puzzles Pieces and belonging…. I am still very much puzzled if any part of me will fit into the larger aspect of a new family unit or at least belong, I can only dream of being considered a constant and beloved member of a unit. What I want more than anything is to be loved and cherished, accepted and understood… I guess this is what everyone wishes for …. I just don’t seem to be worthy of it quite yet. Now THAT is a salty statement!

Depression, deep rest and coming up for air

I’ve suffered for a good part of my life with very strong feelings, lots of times it felt like a yo-yo. Sometimes super highs would be followed by soul crushing lows. At one point as a 20 something despondant college student someone suggested something (ie Meds) to help me deal with the highs and lows. A discussion ensued with my parental units and they were supportive, but did point out there would be things I’d have to give up (like beer and I like beer) to be on the meds. An interesting thing happened after that point, I learned, through speaking with a therapist, to control my highs and lows without the need for meds. Things were, for the most part, alright. Yeah…strong feelings were still there, but the massive chaos seemed to dissipate and was controllable.

Marriage and kids tested this chaos as more pressure comes with getting older and having a family to care for. I would blow up sometimes to beat my spouse to blowing up and being nasty to our kids. By sucking the air out of the room, I took the heat for being the bad guy, but also didn’t have to deal with anyone being nasty. In effect I could control the outcome with being the one who was a blowhard. Over time, this isn’t so cool either as you worry about what’s going to set someone off so you go off yourself seemingly unprovoked. I had lived with this behavior as a kid and now I was perpetuating the same abuse on my own kids I endured. Let me tell you – that realization doesn’t make you feel any better as a parent. Worse yet – go to church and realize that God the Father loves us despite our failings and then look at how you treat your own kids by yelling at them over stupid things – oy vey…. Capitol G GUILT!

About a year ago, I was sitting in church on one of my favorite liturgical days of the year – Pentacost. Everyone wears red, we read about how wondrous God’s words are that they are able to be heard in the native language of everyone hearing the word of God. As if God were speaking to them directly. As wonderful as this all was, I was miserable. I wanted to die and was trying to figure out my exit plan…. this was the depression talking. Thankfully, I had built in a pressure valve and called a dear friend for help, called my therapist and my Primary care provider, a week later I was on anti-depressants and starting to feel much better. I was ashamed it took me 25+ years to get to this point and thankful I got relief from the anxiety I had been feeling for so long.

Over the past months I’ve found myself on a slippery slope back towards the darkness. I have a dear friend and classmate who describes depression like falling down a hole. He’s a much better writer than I am, an award winning journalist actually, but he’s right – it feels like you’re drowning. Lately I’ve lost the ability to cry which is troubling, I’m a crier – I cry when I’m happy, sad or just plain moved. It feels good to get that emotion out. I look forward to the day when someone makes me cry happy tears again.

Ok – so what about this coming up for air thing? Where’s the positive? Good question. I recently had a bang up day – a really great day – like it went to 11. I had a great weekend, a wonderful lunch, locked down a venue for a very special 80th birthday party for someone I owe nearly everything to capped off with lots of magnificent feelings. Jim Carey once said that depression is really your body’s way of saying you need a deep rest. I will buy that description. As for me today, I feel like I have ridden the free diving sled to 100 feet and I’m now ascending, my lungs are filling with air as much as my heart is filling with gratitude as I rocket back towards the light.

I’m as lucky as they come. I am Loved. I am healthy…things are looking up.

Stay Salty my friends – life needs a little spice